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the bright aisles of c-town
Thursday, April 26, 2007  
Shake It!

Oh how I have neglected this blog.... for anyone who is curious, I had a great time at the Brooklyn Half Marathon and finished in 2:00:03. If only I didn't have to stop to tie my shoe I could have broken 2 hours!

I visited Rochester, NY yesterday to do some work at a school, and I stayed with my good friend Austin. Rochester is a much larger and nicer city than I anticipated, and I had a good time during the 24 hours of my stay.

This weekend - I'm returning to Columbia's campus to play a show with Hello Nurse on the lawn at Barnard. We will be playing at 3:30pm on Lehman Lawn for anyone that's interested. There will be frisbee tossing and large slices of Koronets pizza involved.

Ahh College.

I got an iTunes gift certificate from a coworker, and here are the albums I bought, all of which I highly recommend:

Albert Hammond, Jr. - Yours to Keep
Guitarist from the Strokes formed his own band. If you like the Strokes, you'll like this too.

LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Fantastic dance rock album.

Dr. Dog - We All Belong
Recorded using all vintage instruments and analog recording gear from the 60's and 70's. This is one of the best pop albums I've heard in a long time. 5 stars!!

Silversun Pickups - Carnavas
West coast band, sounds reminiscent of Smashing Pumpkins. Fantastic sound textures and production.

Easy Star All Stars - Radiodread
This is a reggae band playing the entirety of Radiohead's OK Computer. This is a must-have album if you like OK Computer.

6:41 AM

Thursday, April 12, 2007  
Run Then Eat

Saturday is the Brooklyn Half Marathon, and I'm getting pumped up! My office space is provided by the Robin Hood Foundation, and a lot of folks here are running in the race so Robin Hood sponsored nice Nike shirts - and they were so kind to give the two Uncommon Schools runners shirts as well. We even got to have our names monogrammed on the shirt. On my order form I wrote "Go Dude Go" as my name, so of course my shirt is awesome.

After the race I'm going to an eating party which is less of a contest and more of a spectacle. Participants choose a food, set a goal for how much of that food they can eat, and then gorge like crazy. Here are some examples:

3 jars of apple sauce
1 gallon of ice cream (not finished)
1 box of Joe (Dunkin Donuts box of coffee, not finished)
1 bucket of fried chicken and 1/2 watermelon (so un-PC, so funny)
1 of each item on the White Castle menu

My choice: cereal. I think I'm going to try to down 3 boxes of Raisin Squares cereal, but that means I have to find a market that sells it. Hopefully the 13.1 miles I run in the morning will leave me ready for the gluttony that will proceed.

3:41 PM

Saturday, March 24, 2007  
I Broke the 10 Mile Barrier!

I went for a big long run today, and I finally broke the 10 mile barrier. While I'm sure I have run 10 miles in a day at an ultimate tournament, I have never jogged 10 miles continuously.

I ran from Fort Greene, over the Brooklyn Bridge and back, to Brooklyn Heights and along the Promenade. I stopped for a gatorade in Dumbo, and then I ran across the Manhattan Bridge and back. As I approached home, I chose to do one lap through Fort Greene Park to make sure I made it to 10. I was lucky, because when I used to calculate my mileage, it turns out that I ran 10.11 miles. If I hadn't taken that extra lap in the park I would have been disappointed.

I need to be able to run 13 miles in mid-April for the Brooklyn Half Marathon, so I think I'm in good shape.

3:58 PM

Wednesday, March 21, 2007  
Uncommon Schools

Check out the video Uncommon Schools uses to recruit teachers to work in our charter schools. I will be transitioning over to work at North Star Academy as a Director of Operations this summer. North Star is an amazingly inspiring place, and I'm happy to be on board.

4:59 AM

Wednesday, March 14, 2007  

This Saturday Hello Nurse will play our 100th show as our current lineup. Mike joined the group in February 2004, and over the three years we've been together it seems like we've played a million shows.... but it was actually just 99 shows. If you're in NYC, start your St. Patty's Day celebration off right. We're playing at 9PM, and you can just continue hammering yourself with alcohol into the night.

As a special treat, we are playing an extended set of greatest hits in chronological order. We will start off with the first song we ever wrote together, which after pulling it out of the basement and dusting it off REALLY ROCKS! We will end with a bunch of new tunes you may not have heard if you haven't been to a show in a while.

Score points by wearing green. Score more points by dressing as a nurse. Score a zillion points by dressing like a leprechaun nurse.

Here are the details:

Saturday, March 17 - 9:00 PM

live @ The Tank
279 Church Street
(at the corner of White)
New York, NY 10002

Doors at 7pm with The Red Chapel and Butch & Bellie

And Monday is my birthday, so this will be doubling as my birthday party. If you don't show up, I will be offended. :)

6:23 AM

Friday, February 23, 2007  
The Subway!

Stand clear of the closing door before I knock you on the floor

Step in and stand clear or I'll rip that earing out your ear

Please stay to the right unless you want to fight

6:24 AM

Sunday, February 11, 2007  
I love The Police, and I love Maps too.

The Police performed on the Grammy's tonight, and I was LOVING IT. Stewart Copeland is my favorite drummer of all-time. As soon as their tour is announced, I will pay any money to go to that show. I cannot wait.

Check out this awesome map. I can't say I've ever heard of Rose Hill, but the map still rocks.

8:47 PM

Thursday, February 08, 2007  
Running in the Freezing Cold Dark Like a Jackass

I challenged myself and went for a run tonight in the 25 degree weather. I thought it would be a suicide battle the whole way, but it turned out to be just plain spectacular. I must have layered my clothese just right.

Here is the route I took. I plotted it out on, which is a fun website to play with.

I basically ran directly over the Brooklyn Bridge and back on the same route, which is why it looks like a straight line instead of a loop. The total journey was 4.5 miles, about half of which includes a view like this. I love living in Brooklyn.

Going on run's like this always makes me think of running with Drew. Drew and I would go on epic runs in Washington Heights where we crossed highways, bridges, and surpising patches of forest in upper Manhattan. We would go running in the most foul weather, like once in a slush storm. We even scaled the walls of Fort Tryon and sprinted the tunnels of the 1/9. Running in the freezing cold dark like jackasses most certainly.

Drew is currently training for a marathon and I'm training for a half marathon, which is about right considering he's such a better runner... and he runs a shoe store now, so it's kind of job requirement. Thanks for the insoles, Drew!

Guess what Drew is holding in this picture.

5:23 PM

Wendy Kopp on the Colbert Report

Wendy Kopp is the president and founder of Teach For America. She was on the Colbert Report the other day, and Stephen was a good chap and let her speak the message without messing with her too much.

Wendy Kopp on the Colbert Report

Part 1/2:

Part 2/2:

12:12 PM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007  
National 40 Ounce Day is FRIDAY, FEB 9

A few years ago Bill Bert and I created a new holiday - National 40 Day. It takes place on February 9th, the 40th day of the year. Celebrating the holiday is simple: you drink a 40.

We threw together a website, and somehow the website is still alive despite total neglect. Check it out here.

Please pay no attention to the copy - it's gibberish nonsense. Since Bill is currently studying for his MFA in Writing, I'm sure he will get a kick out reading this relic from his past.

Here are pictures of us celebrating in the 2004. (Not only was the copywriting bad, but the photoshopping was crappy, too!)

National 40 Day 2004

Blog post from 40 Day 2005

Enjoy your 40 Day and take pictures if you celebrate!


7:44 PM

Idiotarod Pics

The Idiotarod was insane. We dressed as Roman warriors and raced shopping carts throughout the city screaming "IDIOT!....CHARIOT!" in call and response. Here are some of my pictures from the day, many of which are the poses that will be featured on our soon-to-be-released trading cards.




Drew and Jeff drove all the way from Ohio for the event.







Battle Tigger! (Yes - that's Tigger, not Tiger.)

7:31 PM

Sunday, January 28, 2007  

The Idiotarod was Saturday, and it was a blast. I will give a more comprehensive post soon, but in the meantime check out this great music video someone made. At around 2:27 you can see my friend Sean and I crashing our chariots together. Since we built the carts as chariots, we really could ride them into each other. It was great fun, but I still can't believe I didn't lose any fingers.

My team, Idiot Chariot, charges through Long Island City, Queens.

7:41 PM

Thursday, January 25, 2007  

10:53 AM

Friday, January 19, 2007  
Idiotarod is coming

I'm starting to get psyched about the Idiotarod, which is happening next weekend. This Sunday I will be turning 2 Home Depot shopping carts into chariots of death.

In the meantime, this video is almost as good as the White Rapper Show on VH1, which is what I watch while Jackie performs her very own White Napper Show.

10:56 PM

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